Saturday, June 20, 2009


Welcome to our 43rd show!

While we do our usual globe-scouring to find great music, this show, as the title suggests, includes a spotlight on the thriving Vancouver music scene.
(To listen, simply click the title of this blog (Vancouver) and select Archive 43)

The featured artists:

Off the top (with thanks to Amit Riff for the intro to the show):

Yeah Whatever (Vancouver,Canada)
Thundering, high energy rock. To be played LOUD.

YUCA (Vancouver, Canada)
"It's about something"
Brilliant blend of pop, alternative and rock. Great songwriting.

Versus the Nothing (Vancouver, Canada)
"Just wait"
One of Vancouver's most energetic live bands.This song runs the gamut from soft ballad to thundering metal. Striking vocals.

Coldspell (Kiruna, Sweden)
"Fade away"
Yet another stellar track from their new album Infinite Stargaze. Rock with a "classic rock" feel at its best.

Gtrman (Toronto, Canada)
"Coming home"
Our first acoustic piece of the set. Two pure, natural sounding acoustic guitars with some pretty quick fingers. Very nicely done.

Neil Campbell (Liverpool, UK)
"Ghost story, iii"
This is an excerpt from the album Ghost Stories by classically trained guitar player Neil Campbell. Instrumental in the sense that their are no lyrics. The human voice is used strickly as an instrument. Ethereal vocal parts by Ann Taft. Fascinating peice of music.

YUCA (Vancouver, Canada)
"Hanging by a thread"
This second song from YUCA again showcases their great songwriting skills. However, pay attention to the vocals. Truly remarkable performance from a singer and a band that is destined to become much better known outside our region.

FDV (Naples, Italy)
"Improvisation 1"
Very 'trance like' piece of experimental music. Three overdubbed guitars with a touch of digital delay courtesy of Italian guitarist Fabrizio Divicino. Throw in some keyboards by Luigi Rubino and the end result is a very cool soundscape.

Flaming Bess (Dusseldorf, Germany)
"Flucht & Verfolgung"
Instrumental piece with progressive rock influences coupled with a great groove. Very tasty.
(My apologies to the band as I probably massacre the title's pronunciation in the show!)

Click the "Artist Info" button at for more info on the artists we feature.

Thanks for listening!